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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Somewhere among DREAMERS/DACA kids might be the discoverer of a a CURE for all cancers/Alzheimer's. What might have been won't be. Due to?

Somewhere among DREAMERS/DACA kids might be the discoverer of a a CURE for all cancers/Alzheimer's. What might have been won't be. Due to?

Posted - May 18, 2018


  • 1233
    Nonsense. If they're capable of doing that, they'll do it anyway one way or the other. Geniuses don't need affirmative action. They always end up leading the pack.

    Besides, these days massive advances in technology are usually a team effort. It doesn't come down to the genius of one person. It's about whether a corporation somewhere put in the investment to get results.

    Letting in huge numbers of useless people, that are a net negative for the economy, limits that investment. So if anyone is flushing the cure for cancer down the toilet, it's YOU. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at May 18, 2018 4:55 PM MDT
      May 18, 2018 9:46 AM MDT

  • 10619
    That's like my theory about Doctor Timothy Leary he talked a lot of collage students into dropping out - maybe one of those students would of eventually discovered the cure for cancer or solved the Cold Fusion equation but it never happened because of Leary. Same with the DACA kids maybe one day they will solve those problems but maybe it will never happen because instead of concentrating on their studies they are worrying about getting kicked out of their Country. Also there is probably a lot of students who can't  concentrate on their studies because they are busy wondering if someone is going to burst into their class room and kill them so maybe a lot of discoveries will never happen.  The DACA problem is due to Donald Trump the school shootings aren't all due to Trump but he is in a possession to start solving the problem. Cheers and happy weekend! This post was edited by Nanoose at May 19, 2018 3:28 AM MDT
      May 18, 2018 6:09 PM MDT

  • 113301
    "Full many a flower is born to blush unseen and waste its fragrance on the desert air". That line if from Thomas Gray's "Elegy in a Country Graveyard or Churchyard" The first time I read it was many decades ago and we will never know what might have been but for circumstance or obstacles or unforeseen interference. Added to which is the reality of Amurrican students getting taking out in school by gun people. That was never a problem decades ago when I was in school. Kids have enough things to deal with. Growing up isn't easy. But to KNOW that you are a potential target? 22 school shootings in Amurrica so far this year. Gun people don't give a rat's a** about it because of course it is one of their own who does the murdering. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Nanoose. Maybe if we have mass massacres in school EVERY DAY things will change? I'm gonna ask! L(.
      May 19, 2018 3:33 AM MDT